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Empty auditorium chairs in rows.

Finding the words.

Words incoherently fall off Rebecca’s tongue in person. Yet her written voice is clear, engaging, and thoughtful.

Selling out.

How do you uphold your values when you are paid to voice someone else’s? Isaac Thornley questions how far professional writers must go to be the voice of their employers.

Snowy Landscape by Priyanka Mehta.

It is the season.

On our last week of classes Priyanka gave to us, a grammar carol just in time for Christmas.


“The worst part about academic writing, though, is how much of it involves typing so very much while saying so very little.” Sayyeda Masood questions the usability and accessibility of the academic writing style.

Image by Stewart Escalona

Read in order to write.

Writers often complain that they don’t have time to read. Stewart Escalona looks at how limiting this view can be, and why you must learn to imitate to master a craft.

Learning to fail.

Catalina Zuleta takes an introspective look at the fear of failure, and why it is so detrimental to writers.